Tuesday, November 12, 2013

An interesting perspective

“Saving Casper” is a compilation of dialogs born out of a relationship between and Christian (Jim Henderson) and an Atheist (Matt Casper).  This is a follow-up to their first effort together, “Casper Goes to Church.”  In answering the question of Casper’s salvation they move beyond the typical stereotypes and expected dialogs these two groups usual begin with and that often lead to very abrupt and potentially terse encounters.  This scenario provides us with some insight into potential conversations we may have and aims to use this to give preemptive feedback so that we may learn from and engage others in a different manner.  That is mainly one that is more open, sincere and relational.  One that focuses on building friendships and values other from any walk of life versus simply focusing on a few core beliefs and writes others off if they don’t agree with our own values.

I found this book to be eye opening in some regards, especially in how those with different beliefs (like Atheists) view our comments and conduct.  I would agree that we need to choose our words more carefully and be more like Jesus in how we really care for others rather than settling for surface level interactions that may do more harm than good if we are making quick judgments.  I don’t agree with all of Henderson’s views or his theology.  But I do see that he really cares for others and for Christian’s and how we as believers choose to live and share our faith and I appreciate that.  I am reminded that we ought to try to see other’s as Jesus sees them and endeavor to have meaningful relationships as we share God’s truth in love.

I received a complimentary copy of the book for review purposes from Tyndale House.

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